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Industry Committees

As the voice of the electrical industry in Ontario, representing and promoting the needs of our diverse membership is a big part of all we do at OEL.

OEL Member Representatives serve on external committees with key organizations across the sector to bring our members’ ideas and issues to the table. Whether it is licensing, exams, Code changes, hazardous energy or other issues, OEL is there speaking out loudly and clearly for our Members and leading real change in one of Ontario’s most vital industries.

Interested in making a difference as an OEL Member Rep? We’d love to hear from you! Contact us at or the OEL Hotline - (905) 238-1382 - to find out about current opportunities!

Industry Committees:

Master’s Examining Committee (MEC)

The Master Electrician Exam is offered across the province in-person, electronic and paper-based format.

ECRA Advisory Council (ECRA)

This council gathers feedback on licensing and advises ESA’s Regulatory Affairs Committee.

Contractor Advisory Council (COAC)

This council advises ESA on improving contractor services, enhancing policies, and fostering industry partnerships.

Ontario Provincial Code Committee (OPCC)

This council includes inspectors, contractors, and interest groups, advising on Electrical Safety Code changes.


Doug McGinley

Doug McGinley

JPR Electrical Services Inc.


Cameron Hann

Cameron Hann

Jestek Electrical Ltd.


Mattiew Scratch

Mattiew Scratch

TwoWiredGuys Ltd.


Rick Leduc

Rick Leduc

Leduc Electrical Services Ltd.

man with glasses in hardhat smiling

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