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OEL Roadshow 2024: connecting with local electrical communities by Anthony Capkun - Coming again in September 2025

group of people at booth

Electrical Business Magazine’s Anthony Capkun stopped by the roadshow in Whitby (photos at bottom). Hosted by OEL’s Durham Chapter, the event was supported by AMG Baytech, Federated Insurance, FBC, Graybar Canada, Milwaukee Tool, Oscan Electrical Supplies, and Westburne.

The electrical contractors, electricians, and apprentices who attended were a mix of OEL members and non-members; all enjoyed food and beverages while mingling with each other, and some even walked away with a door prize.

Visiting nine locations across the province this month, the main goal of the roadshow is to reconnect with local OEL Chapters and bring the electrical community closer together, with a focus on networking opportunities within the industry, and interacting with distributors and manufacturers.