Why Join?
- How do I register for the Employer Engagement Program?
- How many apprentices am I allowed to register and claim for?
- Does my company have to be an OEL member in order to qualify for the EEP Apprentice Success Project?
- What subsidies are available and how much can I get for each one?
- Why do female apprentice get an extra $500 for the equipment subsidy?
- How far back am I able to submit claims for?
- How long does an apprentice have to be working for me in order for me to submit a claim?
- What is an RTA and why do you need one?
- Who do I contact if I need help filling out the forms?
- Am I allowed to submit multiple claims for one subsidy, or can I only submit one?
- Which forms do I need to fill out?
- How long will it take for me to receive the reimbursement?
- How will I receive the reimbursement, and can I receive a cheque instead?
- If an apprentice pays for their own training or equipment, do you reimburse them directly?
- If I receive funding from another government program, do I still qualify for the EEP Apprentice Success Project?
- How do I determine if the claim I’d like to submit for one of the subsidies actually qualifies?
- Does the EEP Apprentice Success Project provide us with the resources needed for the Personal/Professional Development (PPD)?
- I have a construction project requiring an electrician. Can OEL recommend a qualified electrician for me?
- Outside of fees, how else can I get involved to make a difference? How can I volunteer?
- What is the “CC”, and how do I get a topic in front of this committee for discussion?
- What is OEL doing for young professionals in the industry?